

Insurance Information


Home Stretch Physical Therapy is a participating provider with Medicare Part B. We also accept most Medicare advantage plans (PPO plans). Our office staff will be happy to help you with verifying your insurance, file the necessary claims paperwork, and to assist with any questions you may have with this process.

Also, keep in mind: not only are our in-home services affordable, but are also classified as outpatient therapy under Medicare Part B and the majority of Medicare Advantage plans.

As a courtesy for our patients we will contact your insurance carrier prior to your initial visit to determine your benefits for physical therapy. Additionally, we encourage our patients to also contact their insurance carrier to be aware of their physical therapy benefits regarding any limitations of coverage as well as co-pay, co-insurance and deductible information.

Please call us at 315-569-9308 if you have questions regarding your insurance plans.  For those patients who do not have health insurance or those who have maxed out their benefits, we offer a private pay plan.

We also offer self-pay options, which you can apply toward your yearly deductible, or use HSA funds.

Cash, check and most major credit cards are accepted for payment.

Cancellation Policy
If you cancel your scheduled appointment and you have not notified us at least 24 hours in advance, it will be the sole responsibility of the patient to pay a required fee of $50 for the missed appointment. The insurance companies WILL NOT pay this fee.

Any Questions?  Please feel free to call us 315-569-9308, or email 


Want to add Physical/Occupational Therapy to your facility? Contact us to find out about how our rehabilitation, fall prevention and maintenance programs can help your residents maximize their function, safety, and quality of life and allow them to successfully age in place.