

Frequently Asked


Are your physical therapists licensed?

Yes, all therapists are NYS licensed, and participate in continuing education to provide the highest quality care

Are your services the same as a home care Agency?

No, Medicare Part B physical therapy is distinctly different from Home Health Physical Therapy, which is provided under Medicare Part A and has different regulations, such as the patient must be homebound. Under Medicare Part B, our goal is to maximize the patient’s rehab potential and we are not limited by homebound regulations. We can work with patients in the home even after Home Health has discharged them.

Do I need a prescription for therapy or can I just schedule an appointment?

Most insurances will allow evaluation and some a limited number of visits without a prescription (with restrictions)

Will my insurance cover physical therapy?

Yes!  Our services are covered by Medicare part B (as well as many others)

How quickly can I schedule an appointment?

We are always accepting new clients, and your therapist will call to schedule a mutually convenient time once we have verified all of your information

Does Home Stretch Physical Therapy accept worker’s compensation and no fault coverage?

While we do not accept these plans directly, we can provide you with a statement to submit for reimbursement

What should I expect during my first visit?

Your therapist will take comprehensive history of your condition or injury, then perform a physical examination in order to determine the cause of your symptoms and impairments. He/she will then discuss their findings and work with you to develop a plan of treatment. in most cases you will also begin your treatment that day and/or be given some “homework “to perform in between visits

How long will my appointment take?

Initial visit is approximately 1 hour, follow up visits 45-60 min

What should I wear to my appointment?

Comfortable clothing and footwear allowing you to move freely

Will you communicate with my physician?

Yes, we send evaluations and ongoing assessments to your referring provider

Do you accept patients who are self/private pay?

Yes, we offer self pay programs for rehabilitation, as well as post-rehab and maintenance programs 

Do I need pre-authorization from my insurance company? If I do need pre-authoraization what do I do?

Some insurances require pre-authorization.  In most cases, we can obtain this authorization